Guide on how to write yaml code for auto-entities?

I am completely new to writing code in general. I am trying to learn how to edit the yaml for my dashboards with auto-entities. I have already installed auto-entities.

With a blank dashboard this is the yaml code.

  - title: Home

Is auto-entities considered a new card? So I would edit the code to be

  - title: Home
      - type: custom:auto-entities

Not quite sure how to go from there adding/substracting what I want from the list

For example, if I want to show all the entities in an area I would do this?

  - title: Home
      - type: custom:auto-entities
          type: entities
          title: Downstairs Bathroom
            - area: Downstairs Bathroom

I’m trying to figure out the correct formatting, indentation, spacing, etc in addition to adding the code I want.

Here is an example that I have. It is pulling all entities from my Zigbee devices. Basically pulling in all entities with the mentioned strings in the name:

type: custom:auto-entities
  type: entities
  title: Zigbee Movement
  show_header_toggle: false
    - entity_id: "*0x00158d0002e26a3f*"
    - entity_id: "*0x00158d000314a571*"
    - entity_id: "*0x00158d0002ec0096*"
show_header_toggle: false

In your case, if you want to do based on an area, then you would likely use Area.

Why are you trying to use code when you have a more friendly GUI by adding through the dashboard:

I had no idea there was a GUI

for some reason whatever I select in the Select Property is not saving

The GUI is glitchy for me. I’ll troubleshoot later. If I am able to get what I select to stick, I can look at the code and figure out how it works that way.

You can start by copying my code and updating (by going to the “show code editor option” through the GUI and just update with your entities.

See here the detailed examples and options you have in that editor section: thomasloven/lovelace-auto-entities: :small_blue_diamond:Automatically populate the entities-list of lovelace cards