I am completely new to writing code in general. I am trying to learn how to edit the yaml for my dashboards with auto-entities. I have already installed auto-entities.
With a blank dashboard this is the yaml code.
- title: Home
Is auto-entities considered a new card? So I would edit the code to be
- title: Home
- type: custom:auto-entities
Not quite sure how to go from there adding/substracting what I want from the list
For example, if I want to show all the entities in an area I would do this?
Here is an example that I have. It is pulling all entities from my Zigbee devices. Basically pulling in all entities with the mentioned strings in the name:
The GUI is glitchy for me. I’ll troubleshoot later. If I am able to get what I select to stick, I can look at the code and figure out how it works that way.