Guide to setup Monitor for multiple Rpi devices

Hi guys,
I’m running into some confusion to get multiple monitors setup.
I have 1 currently, using defaults from the github page.
And the normal sudo bash
How do I make my first floor the main monitor?
And how do I add other monitors to my home?
I read stuff about different arguments like -b and so on, but not sure which to set and where to even set them?

I have it working for 1 node and 2 devices currently.
And its reporting in HA 100% for both devices when im close enough and 0 when i disable bluetooth.
But I’d like to make it more expansive and add more Rpi’s next week for better coverage

Is there any good guides on how to easily setup multiple Rpi’s for monitor and get them all talking to each other and to HA?

Also how can I make the bash script run at startup and stay running when I close the terminal?
(sorry new to this)

Multiple monitor devices do not communicate with one another. You need to set up all the same sensors you did for the first device again for the second device. You can then use the min/max sensor to determine the highest confidence level between all devices.

Monitor installs itself as a service once you run the bash script and will run automatically in the background each boot. Running the bash script more than once just allows you to view the output in your terminal or update the flags the service uses.