H&T monitoring device

Hello, I hope i’m not repeating this question.

What is the best device to monitor temperature and humidity for a data center with dimensions 7 x 10 meters, which is reliable and compatible with home assistant.

Well this is a very broad question, but I’ll give it a go. I like using BME280 sensors for H/T, especially when not using batteries. bme280’s are common, affordable, reliable, accurate, small, and easy to use. You also get baro pressure too if you need it. I have mine attached to wemos d1 mini’s, running esphome to connect to HA. Of course, since they’re i2c sensors, you could also hook them directly to a pi or other device that has an i2c bus.

The only caveat is you need to keep light from getting in to the holes on the sensor chip. This is the case with most baros, they are very sensitive to ambient light. So if your enclosure doesn’t block light from the sensor, you may have to cover it with black foam or similar.

Lots of ppl like to use dht22’s. I have some of those… they’re not as accurate as the bme280’s, and they’re a lot more clunky as far as software and drivers. Dht’s used to be my go to H/T sensor, but after messing with bme280’s they are my new go to H/T. Even though most folks just think of them as a baro, they are also very good at doing h/t as well.

Thanks @truglodite. I will keep it in mind