HA 0.115.3 + Zwave2MQTT 0.8.0 and reboot HA

Hi All,

Since I use 0.115.x and reboot HA for a reason then all Zwave devices are Unavailable.
I need restart Zwave2MQTT Add-On to get them back.

What can I do about this. Before 0.115.x I can reboot HA and then all devices went back within seconds because Zwave2MQTT Add-on was still running.

I found out when I goto integration >. MQTT and do this command:

Publish a packet:
topic: homeassistant/status
payload: online

hit publish then everything comes back

Zwave2MQTT make use of “home assistant” prefix for MQTT. Does HA use “hass” prefix for sending out “online” and “offline”?

If you can this be the problem of my first post?