I have set up a new HA 0.118.3 install on a Lubuntu 18.04 machine, and have migrated SSL certs from my old server. When I add these lines to my (otherwise empty) configuration.yaml the HA server will not start up. The file/path details are correct. I got the info from: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/http/
Are you sure it’s not starting? Or is it just that you can’t access the ui? Most times people do this and then can’t access the ui because they aren’t changing how they access it from before it was secured, or because the system can’t read the ssl certificates.
Ah sorry I should have mentioned - it’s a Docker install. So this is command that I used to install HA: sudo docker run -d --name="home-assistant" -v ~/homeassistant:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host homeassistant/home-assistant
Given the above, I’ve changed the config to this: