I’ve had 2 blink cameras (one sync module) for a few months now. I upgraded to 0.88.1 in late Feb. I noticed a couple days ago that my history graph of the battery percentage was showing no data. It appeared that no state information had been updated since Feb 25. I have an automation that enables motion detection on the cameras at night and turns off the motion detection in the AM. That was working until a couple days ago. I rebooted HA and now it can’t seem to get any info from the cameras. The log file shows:
2019-03-12 04:39:38 ERROR (SyncWorker_15) [blinkpy.sync_module] Could not extract camera info: {'message': 'An app update is required'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/blinkpy/sync_module.py", line 127, in get_camera_info
return response['devicestatus']
KeyError: 'devicestatus'
In my lovelace UI card that should have the binary sensors for motion detection, I see:
Entity not available: binary_sensor.blink_blink_xt_001_043_camera_armed
Entity not available: binary_sensor.blink_blink_xt_002_032_camera_armed
Where the snapshot should be, I see:
Entity not available: camera.blink_blink_xt_001_043
Entity not available: camera.blink_blink_xt_002_032
Everything is still working fine from the blink app and I’ve not received any emails about my account being locked or blocked. I’ve also rebooted the sync module and restarted HA.
Here is my configuration.yaml settings:
username: !secret blink_user_id
password: !secret blink_password
scan_interval: 120