HA 0.94.3 on Raspbian Stretch 2019. NO "lovelace" config files! How activate/set new UI?

Dear All

I have succesfully installed HomeAssistant 0.94.3 on Raspbian Stretch OS 2019 latest version.

In Firefox, I visit
I have the H.A, Home Page working!
I can see in the Homepage all the sensors activated,the Climate interface for AC the relè24 etc. see this image:

The issue is that I want add the history_grap in Homepage and I think I have to add it somewhere in the “lovelace” config.

BUT, I have NO file “ui-lovelace.yaml” in /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/
or “lovelace” in /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/.storage

So I’m asking:
1) What I must do to activate lovelace anche add the history_graph for temperarure/humidity??
2) what I have to add to configuration.yaml
3) Have I to create the file/files ui-lovelace.yaml and/or lovelace?
4) what I have to add to these files?

Sorry but the new HA version is not cleary documented and is quite difficult to find anser to my questions!!

My full configuration.yaml is:

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

- platform: yr

######### Sensore DHT22
- platform: dht
  name: DHTSala
  sensor: DHT22
  pin: 4     # GPIO4 pin 7 (oppure 24,11)
  scan_interval: 300
  temperature_offset: -0.1
  humidity_offset: -3.5
    - temperature
    - humidity

- platform: filter
  name: "SalaTempFilt"
  entity_id: sensor.dhtsala_temperature
    - filter: outlier
      window_size: 4
      radius: 1.5
- platform: filter
  name: "SalaUmidFilt"
  entity_id: sensor.dhtsala_humidity
    - filter: outlier
      window_size: 4
      radius: 2.0

  - platform: rpi_gpio
     24: Rele-24Raspi

  - platform: broadlink
    mac: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'

### BroadLinkRMmini3 

 - platform: smartir
   name: ClimaMANSARDA
   unique_id: climamansarda
   device_code: 1121

#group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml

Thanks in advance!

Just add this line to your configuration.yaml


It should display everything you need.

For a new installation. lovelace defaults to an auto-gen mode, adding all entities. You have a few other options.

From the Panoramica page, you can select the UI Editor. This lets you edit using the GUI and may be what creates the lovelace file, but it is not designed to be edited directly. When in the UI Editor, selecting the menu again lets you enter “Raw Mode” which provides a yaml-like editor.
Changes using either of these edit modes take effect without a restart.

You can add some lines to your configuration file to enable yaml mode which uses a ui-lovelace.yaml file created by you. This was the original way to configure Lovelace and gives complete control.

If you are looking for the History item on the menu, it should NOT be there because it is now part of the defaults configured in Home Assistant.

I assumed that history: was automatically a part of the configuration.yaml file but it seemed to be missing in that post.

Probably best if he reads up on history, logbook and recorder in the Home Assistant docs to get a better feel for what’s going on under the hood.

Thanks all for the support:

So, This is my “STORICO” = HISTORY option on the LEFT menu!

From the Panoramica page, If I try to click on select the UI Editor / Configure graphic interface and then “TAKE CONTROL OF UI” I receive this error:

I would like to add the tempetaruee and humidity graph for 3 or more days on the Homepage (PANORAMIC) page, above the CLIMA AC control menu???

I corrected my post. It is now part of the default config. See

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