HA 0.99.3: ssl.SSLError: [SSL: KRB5_S_INIT]

System Health

arch	armv7l
dev	false
docker	false
hassio	false
os_name	Linux
python_version	3.7.3
timezone	Europe/Vaduz
version	0.99.3
virtualenv	true
mode	yaml
resources	18
views	6

At startup and during runtime I get this error message:

home-assistant.service - Home Assistant
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/home-assistant.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead) since Sun 2019-10-06 08:44:47 CEST; 2s ago
  Process: 9162 ExecStart=/srv/homeassistant/bin/hass -c /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant (code=killed, signal=TERM)
 Main PID: 9162 (code=killed, signal=TERM)

Oct 06 08:38:22 rb3b hass[9162]:     ssldata, appdata = self._sslpipe.feed_ssldata(data)
Oct 06 08:38:22 rb3b hass[9162]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/sslproto.py", line 207, in feed_ssldata
Oct 06 08:38:22 rb3b hass[9162]:     self._sslobj.unwrap()
Oct 06 08:38:22 rb3b hass[9162]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.7/ssl.py", line 767, in unwrap
Oct 06 08:38:22 rb3b hass[9162]:     return self._sslobj.shutdown()
Oct 06 08:38:22 rb3b hass[9162]: ssl.SSLError: [SSL: KRB5_S_INIT] application data after close notify (_ssl.c:2609)

Have already /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf changed, but without that something has changed:

# see: https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/release-notes/ch-information.html
# change “CipherString” from “DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=2” to “DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=1” Then you will have to reboot your system
MinProtocol = None

How can i fix this ?