Ha 110 no longer supports custom-ui?

Hero! Thank you and everyone involved!

That did the trick for me.
Just moddifying the html file was not enough.

I think I may have figured out the more-info attributes hiding using Customizer for Lovelace. It isn’t pretty right now, but it works for me. If anyone wants to try it out you can find it on my github: CustomUI Fork

To install:

  • Overwrite your custom-ui.js with the one in my repo.

  • Increment the version number on the Lovelace resource and/or clear your cache.

  • Set up Customizer and add the hide_attributes to the configuration file. I added in all as a valid option in the config file to remove all attributes from the more-info popups.

Example configuration.yaml entry:

    - all
    - node_id
    - value_index
    - value_instance
    - value_id

Let me know if it works on your end.

exactly where did you change what? cant seem to find the diff…

The mini-fied JS makes it tough. I put it in an easily readable form in the PR for you on GitHub.

For this we have to use customizer?
The can‘t use it with the resources method?

yes, use customizer, which is a custom component. regular CC install method.

thanks, but it still is not very easy to see what you added?

Check out this commit. I un-minified and then made the changes to make it easier to read.

I updated my repo and removed Customizer as a requirement.

Attributes to be hidden are now set in customize.yaml and customize_glob.yaml. If hide_attributes is set in YAML, the hide attributes node will automatically be hidden, does not need to be explicitly defined. all is a valid option to hide all attributes.

Example (customize.yaml):

    - editable

Example (customize_glob.yaml):

    - all

Change Log:

  • I removed the useCustomizer() function.
  • I removed the useCustomizer() call on init() , replaced that with the listener for my new function: window.addEventListener("hass-more-info", window.customUI.updateMoreInfo)
  • I added my new function: updateMoreInfo which is what handles the hiding of attributes. I changed this from removing the div to changing the display style to none.
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I tried this. But now I have the following:

Did you updated the custom-ui.js with the one in my repo? If so, you may have the old one still cached.

The file is updated and i cleared the cache.

What version of HA are you on? I use some pretty direct paths to find the div in the more-info. I was concerned a bit that it would be different on different version. Haven’t tested that yet.

I am on 0.113.0b3

There is a change in 0.113 to the more info dialog. Working through that but ran into some supervisor issues with 113. Trying to reinstall.

from my repo answer:
Thanks for your efforts, you seem to be on a roll :wink:
Still, since you are frequently updating new changes, I am a bit hesitant to merge. Especially since 113 HA apparently has new ways for more-info and these commits are not compatible.

We have to make sure all is well going onward, so I’ll wait for that.

hope you understand, and, again, thanks!

Totally understand.

Just pushed an update that should handle the 0.113 changes. Give it a shot and let me know if it works for you.

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It is working now.