HA access from local network

I have few HA servers running at home on multiple locations without public IP address or possibility to have port forwarding, I was wondering if possible to access them using revers proxy that I do have available on public IP address, I’m trying to avoid having any VPN client installed on devices and using Nabu Casa

this still looks like the solution you refereed to needs vpn client, right?

There are many solutions recommended in that thread. Some need a client, some do not. Pick what works for you.

getting back here after a wile, thanks for hint, the closes thing what i was able to achieve from that thread is cloudflare tunnel that worked but only on primary domain, doesn’t work on subdomain, so this is the cheapest but not for free.
what I still would like to do is to create a reverse proxy server (ideally in docker pot) that I have on internet with public IP and connect several HA that are behind NAT without public IP
anyone could guide me ?

anyone willing to share his/her know-how ?