HA addons: Update deCONZ (bump to latest stable 2.13.4)

Anybody knows the process of deCONZ addon being updated to latest deCONZ stable version?

Because my monitoring just told me there’s finally a new stable out there (containing important fixes I wait for months):

You need to wait for the addon to be updated:

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Thanks, at least there´s some progress already - even it looks like they are fighting/struggling… we´ll see.

Still don´t understand what the basic process looks like. Do maintainers like Frenck subscribe to releases and build a new addon version or do they wait until others request those (or send a PR like this time in the linked GitHub)?

Hi @e-raser, would you like to share your code from the card above? Are you getting the information via scrapping?

Have a look at deConz Addon - deConz Firmware integration sensor for this. Latest version is grabbed from GitHub, current version in my case is grabbed from /config/.storage/core.device_registry. Add an update sensor comparing installed and latest version, use multiple-entity-row (or anything else suitable to individual taste) to add in in the UI and add an automation to get notified as soon as there´s an stable update available.

…but as we can see: when using deCONZ addon we need to wait for THAT update anyway.

By the way: please anyone vote vor Ability to use deconz beta version :exclamation: Thanks :slight_smile:

The Deconz addon has also refused to show available firmware updates for my conbee2 stick for quite some time now… The github issue has been closed without a resolution… deCONZ updating firmware inconsistencies · Issue #2151 · home-assistant/addons · GitHub

What’s the general process of the deCONZ addon being updated to latest available stable version?

Does one need to create an issue requesting every release?

Currently v2.18.2 is out for two days, containing an important fix (for me) I waited weeks already to make it into stable - cause we still can’t use beta versions… :roll_eyes: