HA and Cloudflare Add-on: 400: bad request


I am trying to move away from DuckDNS and Port Forwarding, and activate Cloudflare tunnel.

What I have done so fare is the following:

  • removed port forwarding rules in router
  • stopped DuckDNS add-on
  • removed HTTP configuration in configuration.yaml file

ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

  • installed and configured Cloudflare add-on

As result now I have:

  • Cloudflare tunnel is up and running

  • Home Assistant is “reachable” from “outside”, but the the loading of the home page throw a 400: bad request error (see below how SSL certificate is OK

  • no error in Cloudflare log:

I suspect that DuckDNS and Cloudflare are making some confusion,… even by disabling the DuckDNS add-on it might have something shared/in common that break Cloudflare… any idea?

Check the HA log. This is typically because is not trusted as a proxy.

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BINGO!!! I did not added http config in configuraiton.yaml

   # Cloudflare setting to unlock reverse proxy
   use_x_forwarded_for: true

thank you !!!

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I’m getting all the same errors. I have checked the proxy removed any duckDNS add on but I can’t get my remote access to load.

  • Cloudflare tunnel shows healthy
  • Cloudflare HA logs are all good
  • Yaml. code has been updated with the right proxy from the logs

Still getting the bad request error