I am trying to setup a DHT22 temp and humidity sensor.
Looking on line, I believe i have the correct code. However I am not seeing anything on the dashboard and a warning.
- platform: dht
sensor: DHT22
pin: 20
# GPIO 20 pin 38
name: Basement
- temperature
- humidity
When using the GPIO pin number. It compiles without error. When running the ui, I get
“17-03-20 19:06:19 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setup of platform dht is taking over 10 seconds.”
It then pauses and eventually loads HA and continues on. The sensor never appears on the dashboard.
HA version 0.40.0
Looking in my deps/Adafruit_DHT folder I have updated the common.py per this
However, it did not change anything for me. I just overwrote the .py files and restarted HA service.
Any help would be appreciated
- Jason S.