HA app as a child monitor?

Hey folks,
Apologies if this is in the wrong category. I wasn’t sure where it might fit… Integrations? Hardware? Config?

My kiddos have Android devices and I’m wondering if it’s possible to use HA as a monitor of sorts? I’d like to be able to listen to the mic, take a picture with the camera, or use it like an intercom. Using it for location has been handy, but I want to give them more freedom to roam as they get older, in and out of house. Being able to check up on them without having to actually CHECK on them would be great and they’ve already got the app installed to interact with the house.

don’t think this is a workable path. you’re trying to trigger those inputs on the devices w/o the user granting permissions each time. especially when the device is locked? lots of issues w/ that…

Take pictures is possible, both of the screen and camera.
You can get tasker to take the images and upload them to Google drive or something.
Microphone is not really possible. But you can make the child’s phone initiate a call to you.
It’s probably not a good idea though.