No, I can’t. And that makes sense, because it is a private IP. I cannot access it from the outside.
I plan to configure Wireguard VPN access on the HA system (a Raspberry PI), and port forwarding on the router towards it. But, until then, I cannot access HA from outside the home wifi network.
I wonder if there is a service that I am not aware of that allows my phone to receive these notifications in the Companion app, while connected to the SIM mobile data.
It uses Google FCM service and, AFAIK, is free but rate limited to 500 notifications per day.
Once you set Wireguard up, you can flip notifications to use a web socket instead. It’s a direct connection between HA and the app so there’s no limit and they’re generally faster.
If you do not generate your own file FCM push notification will never work, only websocket notifications will
But I am not sure whether it refers only to the development environment setup.
I feel that if something relied on a third-party service (i.e. Google), there would be a big warning somewhere in HA about privacy implications. But I did not see any such warning during setup.
Somehow, the phone is reachable from the HA instance while the phone is not connected to the same local network. That means that my phone is communicating its new IP to some service on the Internet. And HA is contacting the same service to fetch the phone’s IP, and send notifications to it. It could totally be FCM but… no mention of it, anywhere?
Are there other ways around it?
I will try reading the source code but, in case someone knows more, that would help me a lot.
In the meantime, I thank you all for contributing your answers.
In an app that is privacy-focused, I feel this piece of information should be shown to the end user, both in HA and in the Companion apps.
That way, the user finds out that there are two apps, and that there is a reason for it.
I understand that, for a mobile app developer, it is close to obvious that push notifications are not a thing without Google Play Services. But an end user might not be aware of this. I found out by hitting the incident.
Which leaves me feeling: is there something else leaking information to third-party services, without explicit consent? Anything else I should be aware of?
yes the apps notify the server when its using the websocket instead of FCM. FCM is only used if the token is provided. there are error messages around it if its not working properly.
up to the user, most users want notifications all the time
You just bake this into the automation/script/etc. that’s pushing the notification. You just write in a condition to only push the notification if your location is “home”.
I’m still not getting smart out of it: I turn off my wifi on the phone and it disappears in my router from wifi network. The notifications keep on arriving for a while until the router integration says: phone is “Abwesend” (german for “not at home”). ???
Your home assistant send it to google firebase,
Google firebase pushes it to your phone
iow , there is no need for your phone to be on the same network as your home assistant