HA app on MacOS prevent sleep

Running HA as a webpage on MacOS (Firefox on Big Sur), the Mac sleeps as per the settings. If I run the app instead, it prevents the Mac sleeping. Is there an option to allow the Mac to sleep?


Output from pmset -g assertions:

PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: “xpcservice<com.apple.WebKit.Networking([application<io.robbie.HomeAssistant(502)>:35508])(502)>:35511281-35508-11234:NetworkProcess Foreground Assertion”
Created for PID: 35511.
pid 281(runningboardd): [0x00008abe00019e0c] 02:27:33 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: “xpcservice<com.apple.WebKit.WebContent([application<io.robbie.HomeAssistant(502)>:35508])(502)>:35510281-35508-11231:WebProcess Foreground Assertion”