HA as a train controller

Please make a special interface for high-speed train control. I watched the train driver video and it is very similar to HA, the only thing is that it will need to work on two or three displays. In principle, any train is similar to a smart home, it also has switches and speed settings

And ultrasonic planes too please!


What about rockets !
We have to have rockets too :slight_smile:


It will be implemented on 01 04 2024. For sure. Together with The HA Sun and Moon controller, which gives us the possibility to place those wherever we want on the sky. :wink:


There is no reason you can’t use HA as-is to run a train. Your problem is getting all the controls and sensors installed that work on something HA can interface with. IE z wave or zigbee everywhere. This is not a software restriction, it is a hardware one so this FR is not valid.

(sames with planes, rockets, and celestial bodies.)