HA auto discovery tasmota sonoff not working in 0.100.3

I flashed Tuya plug ( CE Smart Plug - flashed with tuya-convert) method. I see the device connecting to my Mosquitto broker in the console of the plugin (and in the console of the plug itself), I set “SetOption19 1” in the console of the plug and then in HA go to Configuration > Integrations > MQTT mosquitto broker

  • “This integration has no devices” - system option is enabled.
    the sonoffs are running 6.6.0(release-sonoff)
    in the tasmota web-interface I can toggle the lights without problems

Please, Any help will be greatly appropriated. new to HA…
Thank you…

Which binary did you flash? Some of the binaries don’t support discovery

Maybe I’m asking the obvious, but did you upgrade your tasmota after flashing with tuya-convert ? The version of tasmota installed with tuya-convert is sonoff basic, which does not support auto discovery in HA. if not, you need to upgrade to sonoff.

I also had problems initially.

I ended up removing the MQTT integration and re-added it and ensuring auto discovery was enabled.

I was sure it was already enabled but for some reason didn’t work but re-adding it did the trick and the lights appeared instantly.

Tried it no help…

David and Francis, thank you, this is what I updated after the initial flash

CE Smart Plug Module
Upgrade by web server
Sonoff-Tasmota by Theo Arends

Did you check if that bin supports discovery? Did you try sonoff.bin?

Just upgraded to http://thehackbox.org/tasmota/sonoff.bin - and restarted smart plug and HA and still nothing. uninstalled mosqiutto restarted and installed back no difference…

SetOption19 On
in the console
Also if you add/remove the integration, restart home assistant.

Try MQTT explorer as well - does it see the switch?

When you add the integration, check the box for discovery as well

yes setoption19 1and yes MQTT is seeing connection - is the plug
log from MQTT

1571970256: New connection from on port 1883.
1571970256: New client connected from as DVES_D322B0 (p2, c1, k30, u’kris’).
1571970352: New connection from on port 1883.
[WARN] Not found homeassistant on local database
1571970355: Socket error on client , disconnecting.
1571970412: Saving in-memory database to /data/mosquitto.db.

How is the broker setup? Can you show your configuration.
If you have setup a user in the broker you need an ACL file and you need a homeassistant user in the ACL file.

mosquitto MQTT config
“logins”: [
“username”: “kris”,
“password”: “xxxxx”
“anonymous”: false,
“customize”: {
“active”: false,
“folder”: “mosquitto”
“certfile”: “fullchain.pem”,
“keyfile”: “privkey.pem”,
“require_certificate”: false

ok so you have a local user. Did you make an ACL file?

I suggest you go Configuration>Users and create kris user and password and reset the addon to defaults. If you do that it will work and won’t require an ACL file.

Otherwise, you need to create an ACL file with a kris user and a homeassistant user and set active: true in the addon as well.

David not quite sure know what you are saying
already have user kris set up in Configuration>Users

ID 2742dee36a8a43b885dde74a10c7f05a
Owner true
Active true
System generated false

Group is set as administrator.

Should i set up another user? as administrator? delete current kris and set in back again?

ok already a kris user so delete the kris user from the addon. Just press the default button and restart the addon.
At the moment, you have a local user kris defined in the addon. You do not need that. Just reset it to defaults and restart the addon.

it will not let me delete - msg - no_delete_self

remove the addon and add it back You’re saying you can’t press default button?

ha, are you talking about mosquitto mqtt addon? just press the reset to defaults button?

yes. What did you think I was talking about?

remove user in Configuration>Users, haha, tiring it now