HA background activities: Display information in Frontend (statusbar, etc.)

Wouldn’t it make sense to see information about running background activities in HA (like snapshots, updates, etc.) where you can track what happens in the background?

Didn’t you sometimes have the same problems?

  • When creating a snapshot I was often wondering later if I really triggered the snapshot from Supervisor UI. I had to check the logs again and again if the snapshot creation is really in process. Suddenly the new snapshot appeared. :smirk:
  • When updating an add-on the UI just showed the busy indicator / hourglass (or how is it called in English?). But you don’t exactly know the status for some time and it seems that nothing is happening.

I trust that there are also other significant background activities in HA which cause quite some load on the hardware.

Opportunities, if you can track the background activities:

  • you can offer a nice UI in frontend to see all activities at a glance.
  • within the relevant application (e.g. Supervisor > Snapshots) you can display additional information about current background activity, such as status.
  • you can also offer to display the logs only related to this background activity (e.g. for troubleshooting).

Feel free to vote this feature to the top :slight_smile:.

See also HA background activities: Display information in Frontend (statusbar, etc.) · Discussion #9789 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

Even a simple notification with a status bar would be so helpful for tracking updates and snapshot progress

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To me it would be enough if GUI shown actual status of operation. As you said, you can press “update” button to be left by the system blindly believing that the process is on the way.
Moreover if you refresh the page it looses its “busy” state showing you old version and no progress indicator.
There are attempts of pretending verbosity of GUI, ie supervisor screen locks itself during component update. But it’s cheap overlay which can be dodged (intentionally or not) by changing the page from supervisor and back

Obviously complete monitoring abilities you mentioned would be useful too.