Ha backups restore useless?

[Supervised based on Debian 12]
I am currently having a problem with my Influx AddOn. So I tried to restore a running configuration.

But I can not even restore as it needs some services to do so:

root@hoas:/# ha back info 6f8ee54f
Get "http://supervisor/backups/6f8ee54f/info": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

Obviously, a ha backup restore does not work either…

Why do I have a nice backupc option if the restore does not work from scratch?

Any ideas how to recover?


I can recommend putting HA under Proxmox → Proxmox does backup/restore perfectly well.

Well, I have an additional backup solution running, indeed. But using the build-in solution is usually really good as it designed to restore the settings and not just the file structure.

Anyways, I expected the tool to run even with a broken HoAss.

By miracle the tool ran this morning (I really did not touch it!) and I was able to start the restore. Everything is fine now.
