HA becoming unresponsive/crashing overnight

For the past few days, my HA instance has started crashing (I use the term loosely as the UI appears to be still accessible, however nothing works). I’m trying to track down what is causing it, quite likely a script or automation that is running and not ending, but I’m not sure where to begin other than turning them all off and back on one by one (I have hundreds so this is a nuclear option as far as I’m concerned).

Is there any logging or somesuch where I can start to see where and why HA is grinding to a halt?

I’m running Home Assistant OS in a VM and patched to the latest release.

If RasPi replace sd card and check power supply

Since posting I disabled all my automations and the issue persisted so it wasn’t the automation framework. I then disabled a bunch of integrations (some provided by HACS) and the issue stopped so I now need to re-enable the integrations one-by-one to work out which one was causing the issue. Thankfully I only disabled about 10 integrations and got lucky that one of them was causing the issue so I just need to work out which.