HA Blue not starting properly

I have a Home Assistant Blue that I ordered last year, came in the spring, and I’m just now working on setting up to migrate from my PI 3b+ that I started with. When I power up the Blue and connect it to my LAN, i see it in my router with an IP assigned, but can not access the UI. I know that it’s the Blue because the HOSTNAME shows up as homeassistant, and it’s the only new device I’m connecting. Any idea why the IU would not be coming up? Do I need to re-flash the EMMC card? Thanks for the help.

Are you connecting to port :8123? If that doesn’t work reflash the emmc. Might be the quickest way of getting the latest updates anyway.

If you can, try to connect your HA Blue to monitor (don’t forget to also connect the LAN cable as internet connectivity is required for startup).

See the logs there.

I’ll be sure to keep an eye on this thread. Looking for the same info. Thanks for sharing. Bumped into your thread.
