HA Cast radio url to android tv (mibox - chromecast integrated)

Hi All,
i’m not able to cast a radio (http://edge.radiomontecarlo.net/RMC.mp3) to my mibox ( Xiaomi Mi Box 4K - 2017) from Home Assistant … nothing happens on the mibox
(my goal is to do with a call-service triggered by a button.)

i’m trying with this command from Developer Tools -> Service

Service: media_player.play_media
Service Data (YAML, optional):

entity_id: media_player.mibox
media_content_id: play http://edge.radiomontecarlo.net/RMC.mp3
media_content_type: music

i have enabled USB debug on mibox and i can launch app (as Netflix or Eurosport Player).

For info i can see it with mdns-scan and i can cast the radio to mibox using this script:

ps: i have a Sony XT-HT3 soundbase integrated with SongPal, but form HA i’m not able to cast the radio too even if both on the mibox and on the soundbase I can cast from a pc with chrome

Any ideas about what i’m wrong?

Thank You and Regards

you have to remove “play” from the media_content_id

media_content_id: http://edge.radiomontecarlo.net/RMC.mp3

It takes some seconds then it plays