HA Cloud registration doesn't work, any help?


I’m living in Sweden and want to set up the HA cloud to have my Alexa talk to HA. When i want to register myself in HA for the cloud i get the message: “Unable to reach the Home Assistant cloud.” I have no ports open and can’t access HA externally (intentional)

Thanks for the help already!

Not available outside the US at this time.

What countries are supported at launch?
Only US is currently supported. The reason for this limitation is that we need to do extra steps and certifications for each country’s Alexa skill. This is in progress but the timeline depends on Amazon.

I’m having the same problem. I was logged in before but after an update to 63.3 I think, I got logged out and get the error “Unable to reach the Home Assistant cloud.” when trying to log in. In the browser console I get “POST https://subdomain.duckdns.org:8123/api/cloud/login 502 (Bad Gateway)”.

Same thing is happening to me even when returning to an older backup. Nothing has changed in my network or configuration. Any ideas?