HA Companion App not going through navigates after restart

Hey everyone.
I’m running browser-mod so that I can place navigate service calls in scripts. I have an NFC card reader that, when scanned valid, will navigate a wall-mounted tablet to an alarm dashboard.

I also have an automation that restarts home assistant every 24h. Without it, it will become very slow after 4 or 5 days, probably due to it running from an SD card on a raspberry pi 4.

After restarting home assistant, any and all navigation service calls made with browser-mod will not run until the companion app is closed and reopened. I’m guessing it has to do with some form of authentication not updating on the companion app, and trying to connect with a no longer valid token.

This is a problem because I have people that depend on this system to deactivate the alarm every day.

Is there a way to automatically reload the companion app to get around this? Or is there another way to make this work?