HA Companion IOS not sending zone changes

As I drive around, passing through zones I’ve defined, I think IOS should be sending enter/leave zone messages to home assistant. That doesn’t happen…I see no notification of the messages being sent or anything in the HA log showing they were received.

IOS component loaded and IOS notify platform loaded are both checked, all location settings except Beacon are on, I have refreshed update push settings. The zone setting lat/long for my zones are all showing (faded) and on. I have verified the zones using the HA Map as well as google maps. I have set location access “always” in IOS settings.

If I push the manual send location button, it is confirmed as sent and I see it in the log.

I have tried reset and re-establishing the connection…no change. HA. Home Assistant for IOS 1.5.1

I’m just out of ideas…can anyone help?

do you have significant location change on? If so, it requires you to move a lot before it updates.

I think that may be the issue…I went to one of my zones and sat there in the car…after maybe a couple of minutes, the location was sent. When I left, I didn’t get the leave message for maybe 10 minutes as I was driving.

More work on my part needed…and I probably need icloud3 fully working (it’s temporarily not working due to a change by Apple).