HA-compatible WiFi/Zigbee real-time temperature sensor (with probe)


Can someone please confirm whether a WiFi temperature sensor with a probe such as this can be used with Home Assistant?

If this one isn’t, could you recommend one that is? Preferably with a power supply and as close to real-time reporting as possible?

Thank you!

Anything that mentions both wifi and cloud should be avoided.
There is a bug chance that an integration is not possible, because the device is set to connect directly to the cloud with an encrypted connection.

I think your best option is to look into ESPHome.
You can control more stuff with it than preconfigured devices.

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It is a Sinilink. All my Sinilink devices contain an ESP8622, and can be flashed with Tasmota or ESPHome.

For less then €6, worth the try

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Can be used with ESPHome

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