HA complete wipe and reset

I have Home assistant running in virtual machine on a laptop.
I’ve set up a few test devices and integrations, really impressed so far with HA.
The mobile app has never worked consistently, many days it simply refused to connect, other days it fired up immediately, now it wont work at all. I have followed every trouble shhoting guide i can find. I changed lots of settings on my short journey on some integrations so the cause could well be me.
Ideally, as I’m only invested with a few test devices, I’d like to start completely afresh, deleting everything, i dont really want to repair as the experience of setting up again would benefit my small knowledge.
I saw this can be done by deleting confg but also that sometimes files are left behind? Any advice before i nuke everything please?

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The trick is to use either the Samba or SSH add-ons so you can reach the config folder with HA stopped.

Then you can stop HA and delete everything - including all the hidden files and folders.


Thank you Tinkerer, when I try to install Samba share I get this error.

Failed to install add-on

Can’t install homeassistant/amd64-addon-samba:10.0.2: 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.42/images/create?tag=10.0.2&fromImage=homeassistant%2Famd64-addon-samba&platform=linux%2Famd64: Internal Server Error (“Get “https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/”: dial tcp: lookup registry-1.docker.io: Temporary failure in name resolution”)

I previously had the error “Error updating Home Assistant Core ‘HomeAssistantCore.update’ blocked from execution, no host internet connection.” and followed the advice on the forum to use this command in the terminal ha jobs options --ignore-conditions internet_host which then resulted in the new error above.
Any advice would be appreciated

STATIC IP. And make sure no IP address conflicts.

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Thanks Rudd!

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Perfect thanks Tinkerer

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Why bother trying to reset it, and then cope with any issues that may arise? Why not just install a fresh setup, If you are running on a VM just close it and create a new one, that way you still have you old instance if need to refer to anything.

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