HA Configuration Entries

Hi everybody,

I’ve looked in docs and on forums, pretty sure to find the answer, but I couldn’t: is there a variable or system sensor I can reference to get HA internal_url / external_url? (e.g.: http://homeassistant.local:8123)

More in general, I thought there was the possibility to get the config entries, as documented in dev’s API docs for the components, but I want to do it in a template.

Thanks for any help…

sensor.local_ip will give you the IP address of your RPi (or whatever it is) - is that any good?

No, I need the full URL, specifically the internal_url config parameter.

Anyway, I looked for sensor.local_ip in dev tools: it doesn’t exist.


Thanks anyway.

Sorry, it’s an add-on integration. Not having a good day. Docs here.


yes, I thought it was an addon or integration.

thanks anyway for the help. :slight_smile: