I’m using Home Assistant 0.103.0 for around six months without any issue. It’s installed on a RaspPi 3 while using a 16 GB SD card.
On Saturday I switched on my outdoor lights (via classic hard switch, not via HA) and the FI switch turned OFF due to the fact that there seems to be a problem with my lights. This led to a power loss of my RaspPi as well.
After switching the FI ON again, the RaspPi starts up, it gets the correct IP address from the DHCP but the HA iOS app shows “Could not connect to the server” with a blank white screen. If I disconnect the RaspPi’s SD card, I don’t get this message but just the pure blank white screen after starting the app.
I tried to login with my laptop via IP address:8123 but I couldn’t reach the HA platform but just get “page not found”.
I inserted the SD card to my laptop and can see all partitions. I see also all the HA files I know from the Samba share, I can access them all.
But I don’t know what the issue is. Maybe a write process was not completed due to the power loss leading to a corrupt file crashing the HA start? Can I remove a certain file (log file, cache file, …) to give HA a chance for a clean start?
By the way:
I’m using windows and get access to the partition via the Linux Reader. But I can just read file but not modify / delete them. Does anybody know how to do that? Or a better tool?