HA crashes after adding sensor to LoveLace,

Because I wanted to see my current power usage in the dashboard, and not only in my energy Dashboard I decided to add a sensor to lovelace like this.

type: sensor
entity: sensor.power_consumed
graph: line
name: Power Usage
detail: 1

which turned out to be a stupid mistake.
HA became unresponsible, couldn’t connect to the observer, and sometimes was really slow.
after 3 restarts I got just enough time to remove the sensor and everything is fine now.

I tried another sensor.

type: sensor
entity: sensor.cpu_temperature
graph: line
name: CPU Temperature

and this one doesn’t give me any issues at all.

I think the pull frequency might be to high for power Consumed, however I can see a once per second refresh when I manage devices.

is there a way to check or manipulate this frequency?

Hello !
You’re right, it’s probably too much points to generate the graph. To make it less points it will depends of the source of your sensor…

Wich way are you using to get these high refresh rate values ? (wich obviously is not good, for lovelace display, the database recorder, your disks/SD card)

I’m using the slimmelezer (smart reader)
which is mentioned here

I’m not sure if I can modify the amount of impunts.
this reader gives an update every time the meter sends an update.
btw, I just tried to use a gauge, and it kept alive a little longer, but after that HA still crashed.

where I have seen this working for other people.