Since the upgrade to 0.94.2 HA crashes within the hour.
First I thought it was the recorder component, but after reconfiguring it to use mysql the problem presists.
Is there a way to figure out what is causing this?
The log is not telling much, only the last failure attempt of a sensor…
Do you have zwave enabled?
What version of Python?
I had zwave crash HA when using Python 3.7. I downgraded my Python back to 3.5
I do not know if 3.6 would work.
It may be possible not all components have been tested with 3.7.
All we know from the Devs is 3.5 is being deprecated by them. We do not know for sure if they have tested thoroughly either 3.6.x or 3.7.x.
You must be using Hassbian. They are forcing Python 3.7. Their latest image uses the unstable Raspian Buster.
I think Hassbian devs got tasked with implementing the deprecation decision and avoiding the warning message.
I run in.a venv without Hassbian. Downgrading involves basically reinstalling HASS but using your existing configuration.
Well it seems I couldn’t figure out what exactly was causing the crash.
The configuration got corrupted somehow, after reinstalling completely, and re configuring line-by-line the hangups didn’t occur anymore.