This is how I have done it. Maybe this helps others, and saves a couple of headaches for those who are not familiar with ruby at all.
I am not getting into installing ubuntu, nor HA, these should already been done if you are reading this.
If you try to follow the instructions on the github page you will run into some errors (as Andrew suggests is btw) But they will only come out at the end of the install process…
If you have tried to install HA Dashboard with the standard Ubuntu 14.04 ruby pack - like me - (and you are not using the installed ruby for anything else) remove it!
sudo apt-get purge ruby1.9.1 ruby1.9.1-dev libruby1.9.1
then delete the following directories by hand (mc actually):
- .gem in your home directory
- hadashboard directory (the one that git cloned)
- /var/lib/gems/1.9.1 directory
Do not forget to run everything under a regular user with sudo, because if you are trying to install hadashboard as root, then the last step (running bundle) will give you an error that you can not run bundle as root. I you skip the sudo then you will get gem install errors.
Then add the following repository:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng
sudo apt-get update
Install ruby 2.3, because when running bundler will install do_sqlite3, and unirest gem, and both require ruby > 2.0
sudo apt-get install ruby2.3 ruby2.3-dev nodejs libsqlite3-dev
After that you can follow the original instructions:
git clone
cd hadashboard
sudo gem install dashing
sudo gem install dashing
thats all folks!