HA Dashboard Media Player formatting issue

Is anyone else having a formatting issue with the Media Player component in HA Dashboard? Specifically other widgets don’t wrap around it if they’re ordered after it in the layout.

Here’s my .dash file. Any help much appreciated.

## Main arguments, all optional
title: Sophie's Room
widget_dimensions: [120, 120]
widget_margins: [5, 5]
columns: 2
    use_comma: 0
    precision: 1
    use_hass_icon: 1

    widget_type: sensor
    title: Humidity
    units: "%"
    precision: 0
    entity: sensor.sophie_room_humidity

    widget_type: sensor
    title: Temperature
    units: "°C"
    precision: 0
    entity: sensor.sophie_room_temperature

    widget_type: media_player
    entity: media_player.sophies_music_player

    widget_type: switch
    entity: switch.glitter_ball

    widget_type: input_select
    entity: input_select.sophies_room

    - scenes, glitter_ball
    - squeezebox(2x2)
    - humidity, temperature

If you have a widget that is 2x2 you need to make allowances for that and leave a blank row underneath it, e.g.:

    - scenes, glitter_ball
    - squeezebox(2x2)
    - humidity, temperature

That might give you what you want although I’m not exactly sure what you are seeing vs what you want to see.

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Aha - thank you. Much appreciated. Will give it a try.

##UPDATE: That input doesn’t exist yet on the Hass.io version ##

Thank you @aimc - that worked perfectly. Now just have to work out why I’m getting an error message for the input_select widget: “Unable to find widget type ‘input_select’”

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input select is only available in the beta version from AD 3.0 :wink:

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Ta! Shall just have to use switches to do scene selections for now. Fortunately, the kids only really need ‘Disco’ on/off :smile: