I just integrated a Tuya smart plug into HA and the dashboard card shows as RGB Smart Plug.
I need the Plug to be renamed to Speakers office.
I selected the card’s Plug → selected Settings → Name: renamed → selected UPDATE → but this only renames the Settings window rather than the Dashboard card view?
The RGB Smart Plug has some LED lights on the circe front face edge, which seems unnecessary and a waste of electricity.
Anyway, the device seems to create this RGB Smart Plug for LED lights, but I don’t need this. Is there a way to turn on the LED and remove this switch from the dashboard?
Hi, to rename the device you need to go to settings/integrations, devices, entities, helpers/devices. Select your device and clic on the pencin icon on the right up corner.
For the other question you can to edit your dashboard and remove the card. If it is your default dashboard you need to take control of it when asked.
Sorry, HA → Settings → Devices & Services → Integrations → Tuya → Hubs → 1 device → Edit settings (pencil icon, top right) → Name → RGB Smart Plug, changed to Speakers office → UPDATE → Do you also want to rename the entity IDs of your entities? select NO → Dashboard → only changes the 3rd switch?
I don’t need to remove the entire card, just the 3rd switch, which is appearing as a light control, but the smart plug has no light, just a LED ring on the front edge of the smart plug.
go to settings/integrations, devices, entities, helpers/entities. search and select your entitie then the gear icon and you will see an option to disable visibility.
Sorry, I navigated to the integration’s entities and selected invisible, however the change does not carry through to the Dashboard.
I also changed the entity’s name from Plug, to Speakers office, but same issue?
That fixed the renaming of the entity, carrying through to the Dashboard.
However, the Visible disabled, still shows in the Dashboard after deleting and re-adding the Card.