HA does not register successive 'on' presses for ZWave wall switch

I’m trying to set up HA with a ZWave network, but I can’t get my battery wall switch to work to my liking (ZWave.me 064435). It has a paddle that I can press ‘on’ or ‘off’. Pressing ‘on’ sends a BASIC signal with value 255, ‘off’ sends the same signal with value 0.

I’ve managed to get it to register by updating components/zwave.py (badly - see below).

HA can correctly see the switch sending ‘on’ and ‘off’ events. When I tap the switch, it registers that the state changes to ‘on’ (255) and the track_state_change handler is correctly executed.

However, when I tap it again (‘on’), the event arrives in HA (in components/switch/zwave.py in _value_changed(self, value), but since the value did not actually change (255 -> 255), it never arrives in the track_state_change handler.

What I would like is to have the ‘on’ button cycle through different scenes.

Is something like that possible?

Below, my (makeshift) changes to get the switch to register:

# components/zwave.py

# ...

  # ...
   TYPE_WHATEVER,  # here
   GENRE_WHATEVER), # here
# components/switch/zwave.py
  def setup_platform(hass, config,add_devices, discovery_info=None):
    # Should of course be handled in a nicer way.
    if value.command_class == zwave.COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC:
      # Original code for adding switches

The ZwaveBasicSwitch that I’ve created is just a subclass of ZwaveSwitch with no extra functionality.

I’ve tried a (dirty!) workaround that overrides ZwaveBasicSwitch._value_changed(..) and internally changes the 255-value to something new, but I could not get that to work.

I have also tried it as a Sensor, which worked but with the same limitations.

I think my best bet is to use ZwaveTriggerSensor (which has no memory and would trigger the track_state_change handler), but that seems to temporarily set a high value and then automatically resets it to ‘0’ (which would correspond to an ‘off’ press on my switch).

Does anyone have an idea how I can add the switch and have the correct behavior for ‘on’ (multiple presses to cycle between programmes) and ‘off’ (turn off lights)?


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Very much interested in this also. Did you ever get this to Work?

Looking for something like this as well, but for double and triple taps.