HA does not start properly


HA has decided not to start anymore and I have no clue what to look for :frowning:

Just before it no longer starts, I have installed Portainer. But did not made any changes with this tool.
Also HA was slow to boot for some while before it broke. In the logs I noticed a line that indicated that the Recorder took more than 10 seconds to start. I think it took more than a minute because the web UI took a long time to be online again after a restart of the core from the configuration page. I think that the recorder was the reason of being slow. I tried to add more disk space but without luck.

Iā€™m running HA on a Intel NUC in ESXi 7.0. I always kept the versions up-to-date.

I tried to locate the logs when on the cli itself, but no idea which log to check.
Also I tried to locate my config files, also without luck. Tried to start the Samba add-on, but no idea what command line parameters are needed to configure the config path. After quite some time googling, the location should be ā€˜/usr/share/configā€™, but this directory does not exist.

The port number 8123 is listening, but I do not get any response and it just keeps loading in the browser.

I truly have no idea what to do to fix this or even how to get the error out of the cli. There is some red text in the logs when I type ā€œsupervisor logsā€, but I cannot scroll in the window. And ā€œ| lessā€ does not work. The last error in that log is ā€œError on callā€.

Hopefully one of you has a brilliant idea.


Please read the blog post about this before posting in this forum category.

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