Since 0.105 I have issues when updating to a version of ha core.
Only ha core doesn’t start (add-ons like ssh still work). So what I did after updating to 0.105 is restoring from a backup, which worked fine.
Ongoing updates like 0.105.1, 0.105.2 worked without any issues.
The issue reappeared when I updated to 0.106. I wasn’t able to find any related issue in the logs. And the ha check was fine. I restored again and hoped for a coincidence.
Again 0.106.1 etc. without issues
After updating to 0.107 I have the same issue again. Because I need some automations I decided to restore again, because digging in and waiting for suggestions could take too long.
What I tried:
I ssh’d into my raspi 4 and tried to restart ha core. Which did not work. I also reboothet the host.
ha core info
gave current version is 0.106.6
So this happened the third time and I’m pretty sure now that this will happen again with 108.
As I said I’m restoring now to get the system online again, but I’d like to ask for some suggestions for what to do/try when it happens again.
Is there any explanation why updated like 0.106.2 worked fine and 0.10x did not?
Edit: I just starting restoring using an ssh command and suddenly I was able to reach the UI of ha before it went unavailable (because of restoring).
Edit 2:
- Restored and came up with 106.6 again.
- Deleted the homeassistant.db file (because it was >2GB and I always had the issue that my database doesn’t get new entries after restoring.)
- Updated to 107.1 (because that’s the new current version) AND no issues. No clue what could cause the issues mentioned above.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.