HA doesn't keep my tag info after I enter, save, and right it

I am new to the home automation world. I do have some computer background. I tried setting up a RBpi 4 with home assistant a couple or 3 years ago with limited luck. I had been watching some YouTube videos and saw one about running home assistant.
WOW! It looked easy!
So I broke out my raspberry pi, downloaded a new home assistant image, and was off to the races down the rabbit hole.
Everything has been going great. Even been playing with some Yaml files.

I have now run into a few problems which I will only address NFC tags in this topic.
I have created them. But after I do, I have noticed that all of the tag information is gone out of the tags that I created in home assistant in the list of tags. I noticed this when I tried creating another tag. I looked in automations.yaml and the information is in there.
I don’t like working on a phone. So, I create the automations on my computer and then write them to a tag on my phone. Just wondering why am losing the information and set up of the tag in home assistant.

Thanks for any help,

A little confused by your post, but are you saying after you create a tag it then isn’t showing up in your list of tags?

What tag info are you referring to? The only info you enter is a name.

Have a similar issue it appears with tags.

I create an automation and click save and “Rename box” appears. I click save and go back into the tag and nothing is saved it all empty.

Have tried on PC and mobile app. Both have the same issue.

  • Core 2024.4.3
  • Supervisor 2024.04.0
  • Operating System 12.2
  • Frontend 20240404.2

Create flow:

Click Save and asked to rename:

Click rename and looks like its save:

However exit and go back in and nothing shows…

Same issue here: tag-info not available after saving and reopening tag. The tag is however working as programmed.

  • Core 2024.4.3
  • Supervisor 2024.04.0
  • Operating System 12.2
  • Frontend 20240404.2

After saving new tag:

After reopening that tag:

When you go into the automations settings, and click on the name you renamed it to, what do you see?

There it is available as expected.
However it still seems like a bug to me … ?

Why? Where else would you expect to find an automation saved?

If I ‘programmed’ and I want to change that tag, then - when I click the tag - I would expect to see what is already programmed and to be able to adjust it.
If I open it now, it is empty. When I then add a new automation and save it, it is saved in the automations as en new automation:

I think now that the ‘Tags’ menu item is only meant for creating tags. But then: why
display the already created tags? Confusing to me, but now I think I’ll manage optimizing my tag-automations.

You didn’t program the tag, you programmed what home assistant does when you scan the tag. It belongs with all the other home assistant automations go.

Yes, that is how I understood it. Let me rephrase: “I think now that the ‘Tags’ menu item is only meant for creating tags managing the connection between tag and automation.”
Still: if I open a tag in the ‘Tags’ menu in HA, I would expect to see what HA does after scanning. In other words: I would expect to see the automation that is already configured and not a new automation.
With current functionality it is possible to connect multiple automations to one tag, but I don’t see the point in that: you could have one automation per tag with multiple actions, so imo no need for more than one automation per tag.

I am seeing what you mean, after setting one up as a test.

Normal integrations have links to their associated automations, eg

It would be good to have that for tags.