HA editing automation issues

Hi all !
I’m running into a weird issue since a month ago, not exactly sure when it started. When I try to create a new automation in the UI (on the phone app, pc browser, tablet app) the call service action doesn’t display any properties to fill, just the name of the service and no other fields.
For example calling light.tunr_on I can only choose the entity but there is no options like brightness or color, etc Calling a cover.close service…I cannot choose the entity to control.
The same with media player services, can’t choose the player.
U get the picture. …I got some screen captures to better illustrate the problem.
If I edit the automation in yaml.mode and fill out the details manually it works fine.
Some background on my setup: Been running HA for 3 years now, first on a dedicated ha server, odroid N2+, then switched over to x86 barebones then HA virtualized on arm and finally HA virtual machine in proxmox on x86 hardware.
Each time I restored a backup from previous setup without problems. Performance wise, everything is good.
So.my question: how can this be solved without redoing my ha setup from.scratch ? Is it a database issue ? Thanks

that is indeed a bit weird… i’m not positive but you might see more traction over on the installation category. feels like something corrupt in your install.

Thanks for the reply.
It got moved by an admin I think. Will try reposting it.

Hi all !
[Don’t know if it’s the right forum category]
I’m running into a weird issue since a month ago, not exactly sure when it started. When I try to create a new automation in the UI (on the phone app, pc browser, tablet app) the call service action doesn’t display any properties to fill, just the name of the service and no other fields.
For example calling light.tunr_on I can only choose the entity but there is no options like brightness or color, etc Calling a cover.close service…I cannot choose the entity to control.
The same with media player services, can’t choose the player.
U get the picture. …I got some screen captures to better illustrate the problem.
If I edit the automation in yaml.mode and fill out the details manually it works fine.
Some background on my setup: Been running HA for 3 years now, first on a dedicated ha server, odroid N2+, then switched over to x86 barebones then HA virtualized on arm and finally HA virtual machine in proxmox on x86 hardware.
Each time I restored a backup from previous setup without problems. Performance wise, everything is good.
So.my question: how can this be solved without redoing my ha setup from.scratch ? Is it a database issue ? Thanks

Try to refresh the browser. Most likely something with your browser does not allow the UI to automatically refresh.

Hi, it’s happening on all my devices. Browsers and android apps. I tried to clear the cache and it didn’t help

Have you tried to see if it happens in a private browser session. This seems a DOM issue, so I would try to test in a clean browser session, possibly using a clean system.

Also check to see if you have any firewall rules which prevent JS from executing.

Hi, unfortunately there’s no change. Tried 2 different browsers with ‘private mode’. And i’m not using any firewall between LAN computers as far as I know.
Is there a way to rebuild the database without losing automations and devices ?

Check the server logs for errors, and in the browser open developer tools to check for errors there while you use the automation editor to reproduce the problem. I’d start looking at the console for errors:

Hi, thanks for the ideas.
I opened chrome dev console and waited for errors to appear. I got nothing while editing the automation

I fixed it.
Found the same issue here:

It was a custom HACS mod ‘mini-graph-card’. I removed it and restarted HA and it got back to normal. It’s amazing how fucked up things can get without showing any error message in the logs.
Good day