Ha-fusion: A modern, easy-to-use and performant custom Home Assistant dashboard

Anyone figured out what the youtube link account does?

I linked but didnt find any explanations about it.

Is this still in development? I really like the way it looks and works.

Hi. New here. How did you add the thermostat to the dashboard?
Thank you in advance.

Ok. I feel stupid. I installed the Ha-fusion add-on, but I see no difference. Is there something else I need to do?

I figured it out – You have to click the “Start” button on the Add-On page and then “Open Web UI.”

Did anyone loose fusion after upgrading to the latest HA?

Hello :slight_smile: Anyone figured out how to add browser_mod.popup service call when pressing a button to open a popup screen?

I’m currently stuck/busy on creating a button calling the spotcast.start service to call a spotify playlist on a media_player entity… any examples or ideas are welcome :stuck_out_tongue:

This is what I have so far:

I must note that the tap_actions for the lights are not working, it gives me a pop-up with a colorwheel and toggle switch:

raw config:

  - name: Home
    id: 6119564229343
      - type: horizontal-stack
        id: 5081564229343
          - name: Crew
            id: 5858564229343
              - type: button
                entity_id: person.homehub
                id: 5801564229334
                name: Rutger
                marquee: true
              - type: button
                entity_id: person.sia
                id: 5801564229335
                name: Sia
                marquee: true
              - type: button
                entity_id: person.neo
                id: 5801564229336
                name: Neo
                marquee: true
          - name: Media
            id: 5858564221405
              - type: button
                entity_id: switch.samsung_tv
                id: 5801564221406
                name: TV Power
                marquee: false
                icon: bx:power-off
              - type: button
                entity_id: switch.soundbar_volume_down
                id: 5801564221407
                name: Vol -
                marquee: false
                icon: mage:volume-down
              - type: button
                entity_id: switch.soundbar_volume_up
                id: 5801564221408
                name: Vol +
                marquee: false
                icon: mage:volume-up
      - type: scenes
        name: Scenes
        id: 6917043309981
          - type: button
            entity_id: scene.woonkamerallelampen_bright
            id: 5801564221410
            name: Bright
            marquee: false
            icon: cbi:scene-bright
          - type: button
            entity_id: scene.woonkamerallelampen_easy
            id: 6570545443099
            name: Normal
            marquee: false
            icon: tabler:sunset-2
          - type: button
            entity_id: scene.woonkamerallelampen_clublounge
            id: 3943687644052
            name: Clublounge
            marquee: false
            icon: map:night-club
          - type: button
            entity_id: scene.woonkamerallelampen_chill
            id: 3513615593529
            name: Chill
            marquee: false
            icon: cbi:scene-relax
          - type: button
            entity_id: scene.woonkamerallelampen_late_night
            id: 3190649330098
            name: Dark
            marquee: false
            icon: tdesign:mode-dark
      - type: horizontal-stack
        id: 3741749392193
          - name: Lights
            id: 5801564221411
              - type: button
                entity_id: light.kamerlamp
                name: Kamerlamp
                tap_action: call-service
                service: light.toggle
                  entity_id: '{{ entity_id | default(''light.kamerlamp'') }}'
                id: 5801564221409
                marquee: true
                icon: mdi:floor-lamp-torchiere
              - type: button
                entity_id: light.bureaulamp
                name: Bureaulamp
                tap_action: call-service
                service: light.toggle
                  entity_id: '{{ entity_id | default(''light.bureaulamp'') }}'
                id: 3256848932635
                marquee: true
                icon: mdi:floor-lamp-torchiere
              - type: button
                entity_id: light.ledstrip_tv
                name: Ledstrip TV
                tap_action: call-service
                service: light.toggle
                  entity_id: '{{ entity_id | default(''light.ledstrip_tv'') }}'
                id: 8265188108838
                marquee: true
                icon: mdi:led-strip-variant
              - type: button
                entity_id: light.ledstrip_vensterbank
                name: Ledstrip Vensterbank
                tap_action: call-service
                service: light.toggle
                  entity_id: '{{ entity_id | default(''light.ledstrip_vensterbank'') }}'
                id: 2914193233866
                marquee: true
                icon: mdi:led-strip-variant
              - type: button
                entity_id: light.group_woonkamer_plafond
                name: Plafondlampen
                tap_action: call-service
                service: light.toggle
                  entity_id: '{{ entity_id | default(''light.group_woonkamer_plafond'') }}'
                id: 3410878708116
                marquee: true
                icon: cbi:ceiling-fugato-three-alt
          - name: Toggles
            id: 5801564221414
              - type: button
                entity_id: light.group_woonkamer
                name: 'Group: Living Room'
                tap_action: call-service
                service: light.toggle
                  entity_id: '{{ entity_id | default(''light.group_woonkamer'') }}'
                id: 5801564221415
                marquee: true
                icon: game-icons:sydney-opera-house
              - type: button
                entity_id: light.group_woonkamer_plafond
                name: 'Group: Ceiling'
                tap_action: call-service
                service: light.toggle
                  entity_id: '{{ entity_id | default(''light.group_woonkamer_plafond'') }}'
                id: 5801564221416
                marquee: true
                icon: game-icons:sydney-opera-house
              - type: button
                entity_id: light.woonkamerallelampen
                name: 'Group: All Lights'
                id: 5801564221417
                marquee: true
  - name: Media
    id: 1507895859012
      - type: horizontal-stack
        id: 2320247262746
          - name: Spotify Playlists
            id: 5858564221991
            items: []
  - name: Lights
    id: 3904391749508
    sections: []
  - name: Status
    id: 3891623200796
    sections: []
  - id: 8891451994831
    type: weather
    entity_id: weather.huis
  - id: 5049506556745
    type: time
    seconds: false
  - id: 5764937843656
    type: graph
    entity_id: sensor.p1_meter_3c39e728ca42_active_power
  - id: 9658359322077
    type: graph
    entity_id: sensor.temperature_woonkamer
    name: Living Room
  - id: 2708908928582
    type: graph
    entity_id: sensor.humidity_woonkamer
    name: Living Room
theme: muted
sidebarWidth: 229

Hi there.
Quick question, Do we have a way to show a popup based on an automation or device status?

For everybody wanting the Fusion dashboard as default do the following;

  1. Settings > Addons > Fusion addon
  2. Open the configuration tab.
  3. Enter a port you want to expose externally (e.g. 8099) and save and restart the addon.
  4. Settings > Dashboards > Add dashboard > Webpage
  5. Enter the IP-adress with the exposed port from step 3 (e.g.
  6. Sign-in as the user, open the profile, scroll down and set the default dashboard for that user to be the just created Fusion dashboard.

Hey guys New to HA – Dumb question I installed this addon, but i’m trying to get it to see all my devices. Where can i look for documentation to start getting devices added?

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wondering if someone can help me out.

I have a basic setup at the moment and have installed Fusion. I have imported my light switches into HAOS and these operate as normal.

I have created a button in Fusion on toggle the switches, but for the life of me can’t get these to work. If I turn the light on in HAOS the status updates in Fusion, but the toggle still won’t work.

Code below

  - name: Overview
    id: 5475702646570
      - name: Section
          - type: button
            entity_id: switch.1001fa204f
            name: BigLamp
            tap_action: call-service
            service: switch.toggle
              entity_id: '{{entity_id | default("switch.1001fa204f") }}'
            more_info: false
            id: 4879949943101
        id: 8674188581373
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Hi everyone! this is an amazing project, congrats!!!
I started to design my new dashboard and I would like to know if there is a way to change the card behavior. I mean, when I tap on it, the light turns on or off. thank you

Nobody can help me? I would like to tap on a button and turn on the light (for example). Is there a way to do that?

I am unable to add any devices to the dashboard does anyone know how to fix this?

I’m getting a black screen on an older iPad mini with iOS12. The regular Hassio interface works fine. Any tips? Tried multiple browsers.

Picking some template ideas from the last dashboard, this is where I’ve gotten so far.

Thank you @Mattias_Persson for this addon.

this looks awesome

But little too big for tablet on wall, everything is big, icons, Buttons…
Option for size is must
But beautiful

can you share your code?

Does anyone know how to get recently added from kodi to work instead of plex.
i have tried the kodi recently added sensor but it does not show any image.