I would like to get a special xmas present for my bf but I need a huge hand.
We just bought a new house and my bf is a software engineer and loves to tinker. Since he is very hard to buy for, I would like to buy for him some hardware in order for him to create an home automation/domotic project with our new house, because I know he would love to code and build
It wouldn’t have to be a ready made project - the point would be to let him play with both the hardware and software side of it!
The project would be to make a “system” to switch some lights on and off, switch the air con on/off, turn some kitchen appliances on/off - stuff like this. Ideally it would be controlled by an app, that already exists or that he can make himself.
My questions are:
What hardware should I buy?
Is this feasible without intervening on existing plugs, walls, etc?
Any other suggestions for fancier things, perhaps?
If it’s of any help, he’s an Android user and a Linux enthusiast.
Goes without saying - I don’t have loads to spend, so as low cost as it can be!
Sorry for the stupid qs and many thanks to whoever will help this poor ignorant girl! :-))))
I was thinking more along the lines of getting, for example, a rasperrypi or arduino with additional boards and have it all from there as opposed to actually buying bulbs etc…
A Pi3 is sufficient to get started, and quite a way beyond
Controlling existing devices requires some form of smart switch, or an IR controller if the device has an IR remote (for example, using a Broadlink switch
Generally though, you’ll be limited to power on/off via the wall switch, which may not be what you’re after
Lights can be controlled through a smart switch/dimmer, or via smart bulbs - using smart bulbs though requires that you leave the wall switches alone, so IMO they’re a poor choice for anything controlled by a wall switch
Thanks Tinkerer, this is the kind of advice I needed to get back on track. Not knowing absolutely anything I guess I figured with a RasperryPi or similar you could do all sorts of things!
That article made absolute sense - being into UX myself I couldn’t agree more.
I guess in a way it might not worth it, after all? Our house already will have temperature control from a separate system, and blind control from an integrated wall switch.
Perhaps I should just dump the whole idea altogether? :-\
IF you want to stick to the simple things, a pi and some arduino (type) stuff you’d be looking into essentially building your own devices via whatever wire(less) protocol you want to use and relays. It’s more than doable with a pi and a relay board but you need to know what you’re doing, it’s not that difficult you’re just messing around with electricity. Another thing is that roll your own devices tend to get a bit bulky.
From there it all comes down to, “How am I going to make this work in this example and still work in that example”
Depending on your budget but I would probably suggest something like that:
1.) Raspberry Pi 3 - between $35 and $45
2.) Xiaomi Smart Home Kit - between $45 and $55
3.) IKEA Tradfri Starter Set - around $80
For less than $200, that could be a good basis to start. The Raspberry takes care of the software side (of course Home Assistant ), with the Xiaomi Starterset you can add cheap Door/Window and Motion Sensors as well as switches and so on. And finally the IKEA Tradfri is your solution for the smart lights.
Not at all, you just have to think about “what am I trying to do” and “what’s my (long term) budget”.
A Pi and a Broadlink will be comfortably under $100 all in. Combine those with some presence detection and you can turn the AC off when nobody’s home, and on when you’re home (or nearly home). Extend it slowly with some smart plugs, lighting controllers, door/window sensors and you can extend what’s automated.
Come home when it’s dark, why not have the lights turn on to welcome you? That can be as simple as a presence tracker and a single smart bulb in a floor light, or a smart LED strip. That’s pretty much where I started in January.
What manual things are annoying, but can be automated
What do we do many times a day that can be automated
With those in mind I’ve slowly been extending both the automations for my existing devices, and adding more integrations and smart devices. It’s a journey, not a destination, after all.
Buy a nodeMCU board next to the raspberry Pi.
It is a small microprocessor board with WiFi that is very cheap (~$8,-). amazon link
I use it for all kinds of stuff and is perfect for tinkering around!
There is a chance that it won’t be there for Christmas but it is definitely worth the wait. I get 95% of my smarthome stuff at AlIExpress, GearBest and so on!
i would say, buy him a raspberry PI (complete with power adapter and SD card) and write a note with it what you like that raspberry to do.
include a link to home assistant and if he is really a linux/android enthusiast he will probably buy the rest from what he needs before the end of januar
if your budget is a bit bigger, then include a broadlink and he will already be able to control things that you now control by remote. (tv, ledlights, etc.)