Hey Guys!
I got my IKEA Tradfri Gateway + 2 Buttons a few days ago. The connecting process was simple and fast. Unfortunately I found some problems:
The only information HA can find about buttons it’s their battery percentage.
Because of that a can’t do any automations with it, I would like it to turn off my sonoff switches(HACS → sonoff LAN integration)
Is there any solution for that? Am I able to use them with NODE-RED? I don’t want to buy a Conbee II or any Zigbee gateway. It it won’t work with actually IKEA Gateway, then okay.
Yeah I think these devices are setup so they only communicate with the bulbs. I think you would need a different Zigbee gateway to use them any other way.
I am nearly done with replacing my Ikea hub with a Conbee II and Zigbee2MQTT setup and so far this seems a lot more stable (and infinitely more configurable) than the Ikea hub