Firstly, I’m not using… I purchased a NUC and installed Ubuntu, followed by Docker, and have HA and Portainer running great within Docker, but I have a few questions.
First Question: I successfully mapped /config in the docker container to /home/tim/ha/config but this folder shows a lock icon and I cannot overwrite any of the YAML files in there. What am I doing wrong here?
Second Question: I’d like to use the Portainer GUI to upgrade HA. Anyone have a step-by-step process for doing that they can link to or quickly explain?
This is the guide I ran through to setup my server after I upgraded to 18.04. I don’t have exact answers to your questions, but I am running watchtower? I think it’s called and it auto updates docker containers when there is a new release. Can be tricky with HA since things can change so quick, but I have been doing it for awhile now and I have run in to any issue with HA breaking from and update.
Make sure that the user that installed docker has permissions to write to the config directory.
To update using portainer you go to the container (click on the container name not the checkbox) and then click recreate. It will pop up a “are you sure” box and in there will be a selection for pull latest image.
I highly recommend against something like watchtower. People report not having problems but I know from experience that sometimes breaking changes affect your setup and it would suck to suddenly find your ha not working and not realize it was because of an auto update.
also when you start HA in docker, you can set the PUID and GUID which are the User ID and group ID you want the HA process to run as
so for me (I also run HA in docker on a NUC with Ubuntu installed). My User ID is 1000 and group ID for my user is also 1000. You can run the id command to see it. Here’s what I get:
$ id
uid=1000(steve) gid=1000(steve) groups=1000(Steve),...
So when I spin up the docker container with HA, I do this:
the -e PUID=1000 sets the environment variable PUID to 1000, which then the container uses to start the HA process under (PUID = Process User ID). Same for GUID, except that sets the group ID.
So that way, any files it creates will get owner 1000, which is me.