HA in Docker install on Window 7

I’ve installed Docker on Window 7 laptop and created a raspberrypi3 container. After running the command, it seemed to complete successfully but I didn’t see any .yaml file nor can’t connect to the IP. Please be kind as I’m a newbie and command line is not my thing.

$ docker run -d --name=“home-assistant” -v c:/HA/config:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.69.1

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

This says the config should be in c:\HA\config if it is anywhere. I have never run docker on windows so I can’t say if docker can translate / to \.


This doesn’t have any use on Windows. I’m not sure how you go about getting localtime correct with a windows host, but it has no local /etc/localtime so you cannot map to it.

You have your slashes the wrong way for a windows installation, that’s why your folders are not showing up. I use docker compose but you could easily translate it to something better for your taste. As well as @gpbenton says, the “-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro” does not work on Windows. I added the other environment variable “TZ”.

container_name: home-assistant
image: homeassistant/home-assistant
restart: unless-stopped

  • “8123:8123”
  • C:\Server\Docker\homeassistant-data\config:/config
  • C:\Server\Docker\letsencrypt-data\etc\letsencrypt\live*******\fullchain.pem:/config/fullchain.pem
  • C:\Server\Docker\letsencrypt-data\etc\letsencrypt\live*******\privkey.pem:/config/privkey.pem
  • TZ=Europe/Amsterdam

Follow the instructions others have posted but you’re also using the wrong docker image - the raspberrypi3 image is for the ARM architecture and isn’t going to work on a windows laptop (assuming its x64).