HA InfluxDB integration isn't sending energy/power sensors?

I have some Shelly Dimmer 2 devices added to my HA install.

I’ve also setup the InfluxDB integration in HA, to send historical data to a separate InfluxDB instance.

I’ve just enabled the power and energy sensors for my Shelly Dimmers, so that I can see those metrics in HA:

However, for some reason, these don’t seem to be sending to InfluxDB.

I see binary sensors for each Shelly, for overheating/overpowering. And I see a measurement for each Shelly Dimmer 2, with the following fields:

Does anybody know if the Energy/Power sensors in HA should be supported in the InfluxDB integration? Or is there something special you need to do to enable it?

Mine are. I use Includes to only store the sensors I want though.

Interesting - do you mind if I ask you what the sensors are called, or even if you’d be able to share some of the queried data from InfluxDB, so I can figure out where it should be in the bucket?

(I’m still trying to get used to the schema that HA is using…ahah).

SELECT mean("value") AS "mean_value" FROM "homeassistant"."autogen"."kWh" WHERE time > :dashboardTime: AND time < :upperDashboardTime: AND "entity_id"='energy_to_grid_daily' GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)