HA-Integration of a wood-chip plant (Siemens SPS)

Dear Community,
After having the first great experiences with HA, it is about time to challenge my final boss.

Mission: Integration of a 5 years old Siemens SPS - control unit for my (60 kW) wood-chip heating-plant into HA.


  • Heizomat wood chip plant with SPS-control
  • Siemens TP700 Confort panel @ the plant corntrol.

What do I already have:
TP700 Confort connected via Sm@rt server and Ethernet to my System.
→ By using the IP-Adress (and password) I can view the panel in my computer / smartphone
This is what I see directly on the panel. I can access the same view via smart phone and computer.

What do I want?
I want to control the wood-chip plant depending on some external factors, I already have in my HA
If my boilers are almost empty at 6 a.m. in the morning, but we will have a super sunny day, I’d like to “tell” my wood-chip plant NOT to turn on, since my Photovoltaic will heat the system over the day for free.

So, I already have a kind of remote connection between my network and the Siemens TP700 Comfort.
I only need to squeeze the values out of the siemens an make them available in my HA.
It could not be easier.
My problem is that I have no clue how to do this. Hours of internet search did not helped. So I am asking the big community for help.

It would be so great, if someone could assist me!

Kind Regards,

Dear Community,

does not anyone has a clue? Is this just not feasible, what I’d like to do?

Thank you for a quick answer.

Kind Regards,