HA interface - problem loading multiple cameras

In my lovelace interface I have a page with 7 cams.
Only the first 6 loads - not the 7 th.
It has nothing to do with the particular cam… .If I change the order in the yaml file…
It’s always that last cam to load that never gets loaded.

In Chrome Developer tools I’ve monitered the network requests.
The 7.th. remains “pending”…and looking at details it says “STALLED”.
After 5 mins et gets cancelled (due to timeout).

I assume that it has something to do with limitation on number of max requets in parallel to server (per domain) according to http 1.1 standard.

But why doesn’t it just gets queued and served after the other 6 has loaded ?

  - camera_image: camera.frontdoor
    entity: camera.frontdoor
    camera_view: live
    aspect_ratio: 4x3
    type: picture-entity
  - camera_image: camera.gate

This is the Request URL that remains pending - (Chrome Devtools):