HA intermittently hangs on "Loading Data..."


I have NGINX 3.5.0 reverse proxy running with HA.
NGINX listens on TCP443 for HTTPS, and TCP8081 for HTTP

HA listens on TCP80 for HTTP (so I can access from LAN without SSL if I ever need too) with configuration.yaml having:

  server_port: 80
  use_x_forwarded_for: true

My firewall NATs TCP443 inbound to NGINX reverse proxy on TCP443 (I use Alexa so need it open)
Also a NAT for TCP80 inbound to NGINX on TCP8081 for cert renewals (manually enable policy when renewing cert)

I have split DNS for ‘ha.mydomain.com’ to resolve public IP of firewall via Internet, or local IP of HA if on LAN. So basically going to https://ha.mydomain.com/ generally works from Internet and LAN just fine.

However intermittently (seems to happen daily now) when launching HA from a browser it just sits there showing “Loading data…” when using HTTPS from my LAN. However the iPhone app works fine locally though (also set to use HTTPS). HTTP also works fine locally. Seems to point to NGINX but I can’t work out why. I’ve tried clearing cache, different browsers etc, all do the same.

Powering HA off and back on sorts it for a little while, but then the next day it just goes back to “loading data…” again, retries indefinitely, never succeeds

(I know I could just stick to HTTP internally but prefer HTTPS for both, as chrome likes to try and redirect HTTP to HTTPS automatically, and don’t want to turn that setting off or have to run incognito mode every time)

Any ideas?


Have ever found a solution to this issue? I have roughly the same config as yours (HA on a Synology VM and proxy) and I recently started to be stuck in the Loading Data loop as well. Haven’t changed my configuration a bit.
I can access my instance locally just fine using through IP on HTTP and on any device however not remotely through HTTPS and domain name. The only clue I get is a “Websocket died, forcing reconnect…” message in the Chrome Console.
I’m a bit stumped and looking for ideas…


Out of interest, try clearing your browser cache then try again? Or try a different browser? From memory I think something cache related was getting corrupt all the time

It solved by itself, apparently an issue with HACS iOS themes that was resolved by an update from the developper. Thanks anyway!