HA iOS Companion App Require confirmation option

I’m using HA iOS Companion App 2024.9.4. A new feature was introduced in the release called “Required confirmation option” for the Apple Watch action buttons. When tapping an action button, a dialog box pops up to ask “are you sure”? I don’t want to use this feature, but the feature is now happening with all of my action buttons. The blog description for the feature says it is a customization, but I can not figure out how to turn it off. How can I turn off this feature?
My actions are defined in HA’s configuration.yaml file with the ios: actions: tags.

Open the app on your phone

Settings, Companion app, Apple watch configuration

Tap on your item and you can uncheck the require confirmation setting.

I am not able to tap on the item when the item is an iOS action. While looking around just now I saw the warning:

We will stop supporting iOS Actions in the future, please consider using Home Assistant scripts or scenes instead.

I’ve changed my iOS actions to scripts which now allows me to uncheck the require confirmation setting for the scripts.

Apologies for the rookie question, but how, exactly, does one change their iOS actions to scripts?

I had the iOS actions defined in configuration.yaml like this:

    - name: 'Open Garage'
        text: 'Open Garage'
        icon: arrow_up_bold_outline

with the automation:

- id: garage_control_open
  alias: 'Garage Control Open'
  mode: single
  max_exceeded: silent
    - platform: event
      event_type: ios.action_fired
        actionName: 'Open Garage'
    - service: cover.open_cover
        entity_id: cover.garage_door

I removed both of these and replaced them with the script:

  alias: 'Open Garage'
  icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold-outline
  mode: single
  max_exceeded: silent
    - service: cover.open_cover
        entity_id: cover.garage_door

On the HA companion app on my iPhone in the Apple Watch Configuration section I deleted the references to the iOS actions and added the new scripts.

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@stu247 My girlfriend has absolutely no scipts in the new config menu in the companion app. The only thing available are the old actions. What am I missing? Where and how exactly did you add the script? I’m an Android user, so I’m not exactly sure what to do.

Did you add it directly under “ios:”?

Edit: Never mind, I found the issue. Seems that I somehow managed to delete “ios:” in the configuration.yaml file. :man_facepalming:t2::man_shrugging:t2:

While you found it, I just wanted to add this to others stumbling across this post. I needed a toggle for all my Living Room lights, and it took a lot of extra searching for a solution that doesn’t require me to dig up the config files and try to get the syntax right and want to save others that time.

I first created a script (I did this in the Web UI, but the same actions work in the iOS app):

  1. Navigate to SettingsAutomations & scenesScripts.
  2. Click ADD SCRIPT (in the bottom right).
  3. Click Create new script.
  4. Click ADD ACTION.
  5. Click Light.
  6. Click Toggle.
  7. Click Choose area.
  8. Click Living Room.
  9. Click SAVE SCRIPT (in the bottom-right).
  10. Enter Toggle Living Room Lights.
  11. Click the back-arrow in the top-right.

Now this script is available in the companion app to add to the watch. In the iOS do the following:

  1. Tap the hamburger menu (☰).
  2. Tap Companion app.
  3. Tap Configuration.
  4. Tap + Add item.
  5. Select the newly created script (in my case Toggle Living Room Lights).
  6. Tap the close button in the top right.
  7. Tap Save.

Now I have a toggle that doesn’t require me to approve every action!

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